Meat pigeons generally grow to be 20 days old to 25 days old and can be put on the market when they weigh between 350 g and 500 g. However, in order to improve the quality of the pigeon's flesh, increase the palatability and obtain better economic benefits, it is generally carried out for 5 days to 7 days before the sale of fattening.

1. For fattening objects, those who are 15 days old to 20 days old and have a weight of 350 grams or more, healthy and non-disabled pigeons can be used as fattening objects. The general body size, full muscle, smooth feathers is better. On the other hand, over 20 days of age, the weight is still less than 350 grams, or the fattened pigeons are not suitable for fattening.

2. Fattening lofts For a few pigeons used for fattening, the old house is generally used as a finishing house. If the number of fattening pigeons is large, a special breeding loft should be built.

The form of the rearing lofts can be referenced to a double-row breeding loft, but the height can be shorter. The windows can be smaller, smaller and shaded with curtains. The air must be circulated and refreshed. The ground is best to be tiled or cemented, and the room temperature should be kept at about 25°C.

3. The fattening equipment includes a fattening bed, a feeder, a dip box, and the like. Fattening beds are used extensively in our country. They are usually 70 cm in height, 30 cm in height and 70 cm in width. The length is the same as the loft. The middle of the bed is divided into small squares with bamboo plates, each of which is 1 meter long. There are 20 pairs of fattenable pigeons.

Because forced fattening is like forced feeding of ducks, there are several ways to force feeding. Generally include feeding by hand, feeding by mouth, feeding by hopper, feeding by syringe, feeding by feeding device, and the like. The ones that are more commonly used today are those modified by feeding feeders for ducks. This feeder is simple in structure and easy to clean. However, care should be taken when filling, and the action should be light, so as to avoid damage to the mouth and tongue of the pigeons.

4. Fattening feeds mainly include corn, wheat, brown rice, rapeseed and beans, etc. Generally, it is appropriate to use small particles. If the feed is used, small particles can be fed better. The general formula is: corn, wheat and other energy feed 75% to 80%, beans accounted for 20% to 25% of the total feed. The nutritional value of the winter diet is higher, especially with more energy, and the water temperature of the diet during feeding should not be lower than 25°C~35°C. The larger particles of the feed should be crushed into small particles and soaked to soften them before feeding. In general, cereals can be soaked in water for 1 day and night.

5. Fattening method The pigeons to be fattened are placed in a fattening bed and fattened by the method of feeding. The temperature is maintained at about 20°C. In general, each pigeon is fed 50 grams to 100 grams of feed for each half or a little more feed each time, and 2 times a day is fed. After the feeding, it is necessary to ensure the quiet environment inside and outside the house, put down the curtains, and let them sleep.

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