The first move: high ridge cultivation on both sides of high ridge cultivation soil, can increase the living soil layer, loose soil at the roots and stems, not only conducive to stem extension, but also increase the temperature, to meet the temperature required for early rhizome development. Second trick: Fertilizer application The potato needs a lot of nutrients during the whole growth period. It must be formulated to meet the demand of crop growth and development on nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. Especially during the tuber enlargement period, it can significantly increase the yield. The third measure: The portion of potato that can be used for flower buds is underground tubers. The buds of pregnant buds consume a lot of nutrients and remove buds to save nutrients and promote the growth of tubers. The fourth measure: less production of potato root tuber root tuber horizontal growth in the soil, often due to probe cut off the root extension of the meat, artificially caused by reduced production. Therefore, after the end of the shovel, only shovels and shovels are not used. Combine the control of grassland with artificial grass and manual removal to prevent grassland shortage and effectively increase the yield. The fifth measure: supplementing magnesium to promote the growth of potato production, especially the expansion of potato wedges, magnesium fertilizer is sufficient, not only high yield, but also more starch accumulation, good quality, when the plant height 45 centimeters, with magnesium sulfate dissolved in water after recovery Shi. Sixth trick: foliar spray fertilizer in the case of basal fertilizer, from the exhibition leaf, spray once every 7-10 days 0.1% magnesium sulfate, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 1,000 times the 30-pentane The alcohol mixture, sprayed 3 to 5 times, can significantly increase production. Excerpted from China Agricultural Press>

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