1. Day and night change patterns of ducks' feeding: Under natural lighting, ducks have 3 ornithologies in one night, respectively, in the morning, noon and evening.
Feeding management: (1) Strengthen early feeding. The appetite of the duck is particularly strong at dawn. At this time, feeding and feeding can make ducks grow faster and faster. (2) timing grazing. Grazing should be carried out when the duck eats peaks in the early, middle, and late times. At other times, the ducks are allowed to rest or rush into the water. For drinking water or feeding, it is best to schedule the peak period of duck food.
2. The diurnal variation pattern of egg production in ducks: According to reports, egg ducks mainly concentrate on midnight to dawn, and usually do not produce eggs during the day.
Feeding management: (1) Lights are turned off at 10pm to ensure that they lay eggs in a quiet environment between 1 and 4am the next morning. (2) If it is found that ducks generally produce eggs at 5 o'clock in the evening, and the number of eggs is small, indicating that the concentrate in the diet is insufficient, the fine material should be increased in time according to the standard. (3) If ducks lay eggs during the day, they are mostly due to poor feed, insufficient nutrition, premature grazing in the morning, or high temperature and humidity in the duck house. Targeted improvements should be made to their feeding and management conditions, and ducks should be postponed until 8 o'clock every day.
3. The diurnal variation pattern of breeder duck mating: According to reports, breeder ducks are generally selected for morning or evening mating on a broad surface.
Feeding management: make full use of the peak of the mating ducks in the morning and evening to drive them to deeper waters to increase the fertilization rate of the breeding eggs.
4. Day and night changes in the law of illness when the phlegm: phlegm when the disease is caused by transport stress, because the duck in the afternoon every afternoon (ie, 17 to 19 hours) named after the onset. During the onset of the disease, the ducks became turbulent and quickly piled up, resulting in some weak ducks being trampled to death. Mortality rates ranged from 17% to 24%.
Feeding management: Minimize all kinds of stress in ducks due to long-distance transportation. Within a few days after the ducks were transported, anti-stress medications were added to the diet 1 to 2 hours before each day of the day in order to prevent the onset of illness in time.
5. Immune responses to changes in the law of day and night: It has been reported that the sensitivity of poultry to immune agents (vaccine vaccines, etc.) is cyclical changes day and night, poor daytime sensitivity, immune response is dull; at night close to midnight, epinephrine secretion is the most, The immune response is most sensitive.
Feeding management: The immunization of poultry (including ducks, geese, and chickens) works well in the early morning hours. There are two advantages: (1) Poultry stops moving at night, it is easy to catch, and the stress response is small. (2) Poultry immune responses can be administered early in the morning to make it faster and better to produce immunity.

Bran Finisher

HEBEI PINGLE FLOUR MACHINERY GROUP CO., LTD , https://www.plrollermill.com