Scientific name: ArengapinnataMerr

Latin name: Arenga.

Family: Palmaceae

Origin: Malaysia, India

Crown width:

15 to 20 meters.

Morphological characteristics:

Evergreen trees, single-dry, above 10m high.

Stems are surrounded by the base fibers of the petiole. Leaf length 6 ~ 7m, a number of lobes, length 0.8 ~ 1.5m, width 4 ~ 5.5cm, back white, small teeth on the rim edge, the top as bite cut teeth, the base has 2 ears, and slightly split.

The panicles are as long as 1.5 cm. They grow axillary. They have an offensive odor and are open and strong in the uppermost flower.

The fruit is inverted conical and fruit leathery; the inner skin is gelatinous and adheres to the seeds, spicy and spicy.

Growth characteristics:

Hi warm and humid tropical climate and leeward, sunny environment, not cold.

The annual average temperature grows well between 20-30 degrees.

Landscape use:

The plant type is tall and magnificent, the leaves are huge, and the shade effect is very good. It is suitable as a street tree or garden greening tree.

After the pith pulp has settled, the starch can be extracted for consumption; the base of the leaf has a hard brown, which can be made into ropes and brushes, and has high economic value.

Sugar coconut inflorescence juice can make sugar, wine; dates fruit can be eaten raw, juice, jam; yellow rattan can be made of high-grade furniture, crafts and so on.

Medical Equipment

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