According to the fact that strawberries are more cold-resistant and not heat-resistant, bitter gourd is warm and heat-resistant, and the techniques of intercropping strawberries and bitter melons are explored. In the winter, strawberries are grown in plastic greenhouses and intercropping bitter gourd in early spring. This not only makes full use of land and greenhouses, but also makes The bitter gourd mentions the morning market, 667m2 greenhouse, early strawberry production 250-300kg, the total output is about 2000kg; the early output of bitter gourd is about 900kg, and when the harvest is completed in late August, the total output is 2000-2500kg, and better economic benefits are obtained. The main cultivation techniques are summarized below. 1 Cultivation Techniques for Strawberries 1 Variety Selection The special varieties cultivated in protected areas, such as the Japanese fragrant cultivars, should be selected. This variety has high yield, early maturation, long supply period, dense texture, many juices, sweet and sour taste, storage, and resistance. Chlorosis and wilt disease and other characteristics. 2 Seedlings of strawberry seedlings are usually propagated in the stems of the stem. The method is simple and easy, and the propagation coefficient is high. a. Selection of mother plants In order to cultivate high quality seedlings, special mother plants should be selected. The selection of mother plants requires obvious cultivar characteristics, robust growth, and no pests and diseases. b. The mother plants were planted and colonized from mid-March to mid-April, and the mother plants were armed with the old leaves, diseased leaves and flower stems. According to the spacing of 80cm or 100cm single line in the side of the plant. c. The mother plant manages the shed insulation and moisturizing, which can spray gibberellin to promote early-onset and multiple-rooted stolons. After the mother plant survives until mid-July, nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer, and thin fertilizer is applied every 15-20 days. In the flowering period, spikes and sporadic early-stage stolons are removed. After the stems are pumped, they are sorted and crushed in one direction, allowing the stems to grow toward one side. In the rainy season, pesticides are sprayed and prevented in time. During the high temperature period, shading nets were used to protect the seedlings. d. The methods for promoting flower bud differentiation include short daylight treatment and cooling treatment. The use of short-day light treatment, the method is to shading a month before planting, with a strong shade of silver or black film, daily from 6 pm to 8 pm the next day to cover, so that the sunshine hours shortened within 10h (hours). 3 Soil preparation and fertilization should be sufficient for base fertilizers, and long-term organic fertilizers should be the mainstay. The 667m2 can be used to munify bar fertilizer 5000kg or chicken manure 2000kg, cake fertilizer 300kg, compound fertilizer 30-40kg. The base fertilizer is fully applied and fully mixed with the soil. In the greenhouse, it is made of 6 inches, with a width of 60 to 70cm, a width of 30-40cm, and a height of 40cm. 4 Colonization of timely colonization in protected cultivation, usually from mid-August to mid-September, with 5-6 unfolding leaves, well-developed root systems, no mosaic disease, no chlorotic disease, clear old yellow leaves and weeds, The soil was planted on a cloudy or sunny evening. The spacing was 15-20 cm and the spacing was 90 cm. After planting, water or thin human excrement is sufficient to promote survival and differentiation of the terminal bud. After the survival, the nitrogen fertilizer is controlled to prevent the axillary buds from differentiating and the stem stems are germinated. 5 Field management a. Timely film insulation In late October, after the first axillary bud was differentiated, the plants were filmed before they had entered dormancy. Premature mulching affects the differentiation of axillary buds, and lately leaves the plants in dormancy. b. Fertilizer Management Strawberry harvest time is long, fertilizer and water requirements are large, it is necessary to regularly add water and fertilizer. Water supply drip irrigation equipment, watering in time. During the whole growing season of strawberries, it takes 2-3 top dressings. The first time was priming fertilizer, which was applied 2-3 days after planting, mainly nitrogen fertilizer. The second time was the fruit fertilizer, which was applied before flowering and was dominated by nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. The third time after the first and second grades of fruit harvest, phosphorus and potash fertilizers were the main components. c. The plants organize too many axillary buds to germinate, which may lead to excessive branching and nutrient dispersion. It is advisable to leave 2-3 squid branches per plant, and only 12-15 pieces of robust leaves need to be retained, and the old leaves and diseased leaves are removed in time. . The inflorescence of each file should be removed promptly when the fruit is harvested quickly to stimulate the inflorescences of the new inflorescence. d. Disease prevention and control The main disease is gray mold. Ventilation and air conditioning should be done well. 6 Timely harvested strawberries have a harvest period and harvest peak. The intercropping period for strawberry was in mid-November. In late January, it was the peak harvest period. The whole harvest period lasted for more than 5 months. 2 Bitter gourd cultivation techniques 1 Selection of varieties should be selected from green white or white varieties with strong growth potential, strong branching ability, heat resistance, disease resistance and high yield, and suitable for consumption habits in Hangzhou, such as Changdu bitter gourd, Qingfeng bitter gourd, Zhuzhou Changbai bitter gourd and so on. 2 Sowing seedlings Interplanting bitter gourd sowing in late January. Seed soaking before sowing germination, seeding after transplanting 2-3 days into the nutrients culture. Nursery sheds maintain a temperature of 25-30°C during the day and 15-18°C at night, with less watering and more light. From the two true leaves of the seedlings began to increase with the bitter gourd production treatment, once every 3-4 days, a total of 3 times. 3 Planting 10cm The soil temperature is stable above 10°C (Hangzhou from late March to early April). The bitter gourd seedlings are planted on both sides of the shed and on the middle of the shed. Dig a hole in the middle of a hole and apply a little compound fertilizer. The spacing between the pruning was 50 cm and 100 cm for the non-pruning. When planting, the root should not be in direct contact with the compound fertilizer, the cotyledons should be exposed on the ground, and the root water should be poured after planting. 4 Field management a. Cultivate the first cultivating after 4-5 days of cultivating root water, 7-10cm deep, and perform the second cultivator after two weeks, 3-5cm deep. No cultivator after the scaffolding. b. Top dressing should be 2-3 times top dressing. 2-3 days after colonization, the first topdressing was performed on a sunny day and evening evening. Thin human feces and urine were applied, and the second application was performed before flowering to promote fruiting. The third time after the harvest was applied twice, NPK combined use. In addition to dressing on the ground, it is also possible to topdress the foliage and promote vigorous growth of the plants. c. Removal of Strawberries After the bitter gourd is colonized for one week, the strawberry can be left on the planting pods as needed, and the strawberries on the edge of the bitter gourd can be removed. After another week, in late April, all the strawberries on the planting louse can be removed to prevent strawberry roots and bitter gourd root from competing for nutrients. In May, all strawberries will be removed to save management time. d. Suspended vines with a large shed for the structure arch. Bring bitter gourd on both sides to the middle of the vine. When it is 30cm in length, it is tied with vines. After that, it is tied every 4-5 knots. e. Trifoliate flowers to remove the base lateral vine. After the main vine is 1m long, two stout side vines are selected to lead to the main vine growth direction. For some female flowers, some female flowers may be properly removed to control the amount of individual plants and prevent melons and deformed melons. When males are too much, remove the unopened male flowers. 5 timely harvest of white varieties of fruit tumors rapid expansion and obvious protrusion, can be harvested when shiny. In the early stage, it should be harvested once every 5-6 days. The full fruit period should be 2-3 days. Before the sun comes out, it is advisable to collect the yellow color of the harvest at noon or in the afternoon and it is not tolerant of storage and transportation.