(one). Erythropolis of M. yam: M. irritabilis is a severe new disease discovered in recent years. The pathogen identified was a short-line nematode. This type of nematode only harms the yam, mainly infecting the roots and tubers of the yam, and forms brown, nearly round or irregular spots on the stem. The single lesion is small, about 2-3 mm in diameter, but the damage is heavy. On the tubers, the lesions were dense, forming large dark brown patches and cracking on the surface. The lesions are generally 2-3 mm deep, and can reach 1 cm or more in depth. The diseased tissue is red-brown and dry and rot. During growth, the tuber damages and affects the development of tubers. The tuber is light and the weight is light. The severe disease field can be reduced by more than 60%. The light bar was processed with the diseased tubers, and the scraping loss was increased by 10-30% in order to remove the erythema. Studies have shown that the diseased lyre (the species) remnants and the diseased soil are the main ways of disease transmission. The pathogenic nematodes can survive in the soil for more than 3 years. The round bean (shoots) does not transmit disease. Prevention and control requirements: 1. Soybeans should be sown in oysters, and disease-free species should be propagated, or disease-free species should be kept in disease-free fields and mild disease fields. 2, with other crops for more than 3 years of rotation. 3, after the harvest clear the field sickness, processing clean up scraped skin, buried or burned, not mixed with manure, do not enter the field. Since no one has studied the diseases and diseases of M. sinensis, please search for relevant information.

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