I. Introduction of the East Asian migratory locust The oriental migratory locust is a kind of Insecta, Orthoptera, and Cyprinidae. According to statistics, there are 223 genera and one of the 859 species of locusts. East Asian locusts grow in the province's natural temperature conditions, one year for two generations, the first generation is called the summer magpie, the second generation is the autumn pheasant, the locust has six legs, the head, the chest, the abdomen three he, the chest has Two pairs of wings, the fore wing is horny, and the hind wings are membranous. The body is yellow-brown, males appear bright yellow during the mating phase, and females have a body length of 39.5 to 51.2 mm. The males are 33.0 to 41.5 mm in length and are good at flying after being adults.
Oriental migratory locust has a thick body, a wide range of feed intake, and strong adaptability. After hatching into larvae, it can become adult after 35 days of feeding, and it can be sold after 50 days of fattening. Therefore, the time is short and the return is fast. Adults of 10,000 adults can reach up to 40 pounds, and the current market sales price is 15 to 25 yuan per pound. The economic benefits are considerable, and the purchase of the species is only once. Dozens of times since breeding, the eggs hatched, the eggs were spawned, and the eggs were raised again and again. They were kept for many years and kept selling money. One female egg can have 35 to 90 eggs.
Because of its fleshy, tender, nutrient-rich diet, the protein content of the fly plant is as high as 74.88%, its fat content is 5.25%, its carbohydrate content is 4.77%, and it contains 18 kinds of amino acids and various activities. substance.
Second, the breeding and management of migratory locusts in East Asia
1. Construction of locust breeding sheds and arranging of sheds Before the construction of sheds, ants and crickets on the ground are first cleaned up, and trapped, trapped, and fired, etc. are used. These types of animals are natural enemies of locusts and can prey on locusts. Destroy the eggs, so these animals must not be allowed in the shed. The floor of the shed is 10-15 cm higher than the surrounding ground, in order to facilitate drainage during the rainy season. Soil is best made of sandy loam soil, this soil is not easy to agglomerate, easy to lay eggs and eggs can be 4 days, the construction of shed on the ground wheat and other crops, ready to eat cubs.
The construction area of ​​the shed is determined according to the number of locusts to be raised. Ten thousand square meters can be raised and 10 square meters can be used. It is possible to make use of iron, big sticks, and bamboo pieces to construct a shed bracket according to their own conditions. Then press the size of the scaffold, use a cold cloth to make a mosquito net-like tent, hang it on the scaffolding, and bury it on the ground floor, leave the doorway, press the zip at the door, this is to prevent the locust Run out and facilitate feeding and management into the shed. The height of the shed can be 1.5 to 2 meters. In order to keep warm or prevent rain, the shed can be covered with plastic sheeting. When the temperature is high and the locusts are relatively large (above the third age), they are not afraid of rain and may not cover plastic sheets. If the use of natural conditions for fly fleas, the construction of sheds must be completed by the end of April. Choose a sunny place.
2. The hatching and management of Hida eggs can be hatched when the temperature reaches 25 to 30 degrees. The natural temperature of our province will arrive in early May. Prepare non-toxic soil first, sawdust 2:1, moisture content 10-15%, store 2 to 3 centimeters of utensils, place the eggs on the soil, cover the eggs with 1 cm thick soil, and then on the utensils Upper film. Check once every half-day and after finding the cubs, use a soft-bristled brush to transfer the larvae to the food in the shed. After 12 to 15 days of incubation, all pups hatched. Juveniles like to eat fresh wheat seedlings, corn seedlings, weeds and other monocotyledons, but few food intake, 1 to 3 cubs should pay attention to rain. The best temperature can be controlled between 25 to 30 degrees, the light in more than 12 hours, the humidity to maintain about 15%, because the most active locust in several conditions, like eating, is conducive to growth. The three-year-old Feifei likes to live in groups.
3. Feeding and management of adults over 3 years of age to adults The young pups take off the skin 5 to 7 days after spawning. Once the skin is removed, it is a first-year old, strong peeling block, weak peeling, and unearthed during the incubation process. . After three years of age, the after-focus coke is particularly fast, and the food intake gradually increases. At this point we must ensure that there are enough food in the shed, first of all, the worms will not affect their normal growth. In addition, there will be strong eating and weak eating, especially the worms that are being peeled off cannot move, the physique is very soft, and there is a danger of being bitten by eating. More than three instar aphids can be added wheat bran. 1 to 2 days to clear the shed, keep the shed clean. After five rounds of peeling, the worms grow into adults. This time is about June 15. The fly plover is usually sexually matured 10 to 15 days after emergence and begins to mate. In addition to spawning locusts, other locusts can be sold on the market, which is appropriate at the beginning of July.
4. Management before and after spawning of migratory locusts After copulation, the abdomen gradually became thick and long, yellow and brown darkened, and the male pheasant was bright yellow. At this time, the shed’s ground should be neatly made and photographed so as to facilitate the spawning of the female crickets, such as the sheds flying in the shed. For spawning concentration, it is convenient to retrieve the eggs in the future, and the shed can be partially covered with a plastic cloth, leaving only Part of the ground under the sun, as the spawning area. About 15% is kept in the shed. The current locust infestation is large and should be supplied in full. The females began spawning around July 10, and the female ovipositor was short and curved, and two pairs of hard spawning flaps were used to lay eggs in the soil. While spawning, it secretes a jelly liquid, forms a protective layer of water resistance on the outside of the egg after solidification, and surrounds the egg into an egg mass to protect the egg from overwintering.
The egg mass of the East Asian corniculturist is brown, slightly cylindrical, slightly curved in the middle, generally 40 to 70 mm in length. Each quail egg has 35 to 90 granules of egg, and a very small number of more than 100. This is Xia Xi. The quail eggs are produced in the soil inside the shed and used to hatch the eggs of the second generation of "Autumn crickets". They can be kept in the shed. When the temperature, humidity, light and other conditions reach the hatching conditions, the second-generation pheasant crickets will naturally Unearthed, time around July 20-25, ready to sell or temporarily not used for the second generation of quail eggs, to be removed immediately, with a humidity of 10% to 15% of the soil, an earth layer of eggs, the last layer It is a method of installing soil, and it is packed in a large can-bottle, sealed at the bottle's mouth, and stored in a 5-degree refrigerator. The feeding conditions before and after spawning are basically the same as those of the third-instar aphids. The difference is that the light should be up to 16 hours a day. The feed should be sufficient and some more concentrated feed should be added.
3. Overwintering management of quail eggs The overwintering of quail eggs is very simple. We can let quail eggs in sheds live in the same place for the winter. After we get into the winter, the locust breeding area will be covered with some weeds, which can serve as a heat preservation purpose.
Fourth, the locust's taste for food and natural enemies
1, East Asian cornfielder's feeding range is very wide, like feeding sheep, it likes to eat: reeds, thatch, Pennisetum, Liancao grass, Pan grass and so on. Gramineae: corn, wheat, sorghum, millet, etc., plants that do not like to fly.
2. When collecting food for cornflowers, great care must be taken to avoid foods with pesticides. If you are not sure about the collected food, you can wash it in water and feed it.

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