First, the characteristics of the profile: Egypt wild vegetables, also known as "leaves with jute", is a vegetable species of Africans like to eat. Its tender stems and leaves serve as edible parts, and its texture is crisp, soft and slippery. It contains extremely rich nutrition and delicious taste. It has become a new type of health vegetable widely introduced in various countries. Second, the requirements of the environment: 1. Temperature: seed germination temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius, stem and leaf growth suitable temperature 22-30 degrees Celsius, able to withstand high temperature 38 degrees Celsius, not cold, 15 degrees Celsius when the growth stopped, withered to death. 2. Light: Short-day crops, 10 hours of light per day. 3. Moisture: Fear of drought and drought at seedling stage, vigorous growth of stems and leaves, has developed root system, both drought and sturdiness. However, it grows well under moist conditions. 4. Soil and Nutrition: Loose, fertile, well-drained loam is the most suitable. Suitable neutral pH soil pH 6-7 is appropriate. Need more fertilizer, should be combined with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. Third, the planting season: protected areas, open fields can be planted. The spring dew in Beijing was planted in the protected area in March and planted in late April. The spring protection site was planted in mid-February and planted in the middle and late March. Planting buds can be harvested 25 days after planting, and then harvested until flowering and podling. Fourth, sowing nursery: The use of 128-hole plastic tray seedlings, to peat, frog stone as the substrate. If conventional breeding methods are used, the preparation of seedbeds should be fine and smooth, and the cover soil should be shallow, with 8-10 grams per mu. Because of the slow growth rate during the seedling stage and poor resistance to adverse environmental conditions, it is necessary to adjust the temperature and light, which is about 25 degrees Celsius during the day and 15 degrees Celsius at night. The seedling age is 40 days and 4-5 true leaves can be planted. V. Site preparation: Apply enough base fertilizer to apply rot and crushed 2000 kg or more of organic fertilizer per acre, and turn it into a 1-1.2-meter-wide flat barn (a low-lying sorghum area). Plant spacing 50-60 cm 40 cm. In order to increase the yield in the previous period, the density can be increased. 6. Field management: Weeding and weeding, water pouring, and drainage after rain. 20 days after planting, topdressing once, every 15-20 days after the top dressing, 100 mu of active organic fertilizer per acre points, or "a special" 15 kg of special fertilizer for vegetables. Fertilizer spray 3-4 times. VII. Timely harvesting: The plant has a height of 25 cm. 6-8 of the true leaves are picked when the top buds are used to promote branching. After that, the stems and leaves are harvested one after another. Fall into the fruiting period of the flowering period, because the pods contain toxic substances, they should be removed in time to prevent humans and animals from eating. Sources of information: Beijing Jiaojia Daily Feeder Unit: Agricultural Technology Extension Station of Hebei Province