Dongsheng squash is a type of squash, belonging to the cucurbitaceae. This breed is strong in nature, early in its early stages, with a high rate of fruit set, a short growing period, and stable yield. Suitable for warm climate cultivation, strong resistance to powdery mildew, but in case of high temperature susceptible virus disease. Mature pumpkins are shelf-stable and transportable. It is rich in fat, starch, and vitamins A and B. It has a high nutritional value and is a promising new vegetable. First, choose the appropriate soil, fine soil preparation, adequate base fertilizer, mulch film coverage and 1 selection site. Dongsheng pumpkin has a strong root system and is widely distributed. Soil pH should be chosen between 5.5 and 6.8. The soil is deep and fertile. The soil is loose and has good permeability. The sandy loam soil with convenient drainage and irrigation can be used as a melon field. The crops should be planted and crops should be planted in order to reduce the pests and diseases, especially virus diseases. Diseases such as wilt disease, blight disease, and blight disease. 2, fine soil preparation, Shizujifei, into a piece of planting. Land preparation should be done with two plows and two plows to loosen the soil structure and create a soil environment conducive to the growth of pumpkin roots. Dongsheng Pumpkin attracts strong fertility, and is resistant to fertilizers. It is necessary to apply sufficient basic fertilizer and combine with site preparation. Mushi composting chicken manure 100 kg or bean cake 50 kg, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer 30 kg, compound fertilizer 25 kg, “Shiquan Dabu” nutrient solution 5 kg . After the soil preparation, the basal fertilizer was applied and the plant spacing was 60-70cm. Each purse ditch is 2.8 meters long, 2.2 meters wide, 25 meters high. 3, mulching film. Film mulching is a key technical measure for high yield cultivation of Dongsheng squash. The silver and black double-sided mulch film is generally covered on the surface, silver on the top and black on the bottom. The mulching of the plastic film can protect the insects from viruses such as aphids and thrips; inhibit the growth of weeds; inhibit the evaporation of soil moisture and reduce the number of irrigation; prevent root diseases and rot caused by excessive rainwater; prevent soil erosion; and maintain soil looseness Keeping the soil temperature stable and promoting the development of the roots; preventing the loss of fertilizers and saving the amount of fertilizer; saving labor and early harvesting. Several problems should be paid attention to when covering mulch: First, the screed should be leveled before covering the film. After the cover film is tightly pressed on the ground; second, if the mulch film ruptures, use soil to seal it tightly; 3) keep the membrane surface clean; 4) increase the fertilizing material; after the film is covered, the organic matter will break down and absorb quickly; the plant will grow fast; if there is a lack of fertilizer in the later period, , should pay attention to timely fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, control nitrogen fertilizer. Second, sowing nursery, cultivating strong seedlings, seed treatment and disinfection. Select full seeds for sowing, sowing before sowing should be disinfected, seed disinfection can be used for disinfection and disinfection of hot water disinfection, pharmaceutical sterilization, soaking for 100 hours formalin can be used for 1 hour; hot water disinfection and soaking in general, the method is to put the seeds Into the basin, then pour 80 - 90 °C hot water, stir immediately about 5 seconds, pour cold water to the water temperature dropped to about 55 °C. 2, soaking germination. Soak the seeds in warm water of about 55°C for 3 hours or use the "Shiquan Dabu" organic nutrient solution developed by Taiwan Sanken Company to add water 3 to 4 times soaking for 3 hours. Remove the seeds and put them in a dark place for germination. Germination temperature is controlled at 30 °C or so. 3, sowing time. Dongsheng Pumpkin prefers a cool climate, and sowing time is from September to February of the following year. 4, sowing nursery. When the seed buds are 0.5 cm long, they can be sowed in a pre-prepared seedling tray, so that 1 seed per seed is sown, and the nutrient soil is mixed with dry manure and paddy soil plus 1% of superphosphate and piled. Screening or using "strong seedling No. 1" nutritious soil, nutrient soil moisture should be maintained at about 65-70%, winter nursery should be placed in a transparent film arch shed for insulation, sunny weather should open the film ventilation, enhance melon seedlings Quality. In the fall, when the temperature is high, shade shading can be used to shave the temperature. During the day, the temperature exceeds 33°C, and at night it exceeds 22-25°C. Ventilation and cooling should be performed. Every 7 days after the true leaves are sprayed, the disease-preventing medicine and foliar fertilizer are sprayed to promote seedling growth. The seedling age is usually 10 to 20 days. When two or three true leaves are grown, they are planted in the field in time. Third, a reasonable close planting 1, a reasonable close planting. Proper and close planting can make full use of land, space, water and nutrients, and give full play to the advantages of the group in increasing production. Dongsheng pumpkin is a creeping plant. The area of ​​plant nutrition is large, the planting is too dense, the plants are shaded each other, the ventilation and light transmission are poor, and the leaves are apt to grow long, affecting the yield and quality. The cultivation was too sparse. Although the weight of the single gourd increased, the total output decreased. Therefore, we must obtain high quality and high yield through proper close planting. A reasonable planting density is 350-370 strains per mu. 2, colonization. Before planting, the planting hole and top dressing hole must be set on the mulch. The diameter of the planting hole is generally 10-12cm and the top dressing hole is 8-10cm. The transplanted seedlings should be sprayed with a broad-spectrum fungicide, and the colonization time should be appropriate at 4-5 o'clock in the sunny afternoon or on a cloudy day. After planting, the roots should be poured with enough water and the appropriate amount of groundwater should be placed next to the soil. Every day depending on the weather watered to survive. Fourth, field management. 1. Management after planting. After the planting, it is necessary to check the seedlings in time to ensure that the seedlings are fully cultivated. The center work of this period of time before the vines begin to spread should prompt the plants to grow quickly. Antifreeze measures should be taken when the frost is frozen. Cover the seedlings with a thin film to prevent freezing. 2, pruning and vines. The purpose of pruning and arranging is to improve lighting and ventilation conditions, make plant nutrients reasonably distributed, increase fruit set rate, facilitate management, and facilitate centralized listing. (1) Pruning. The squash is strong and if it is not removed in time, it will not only consume a large amount of nutrients in the plants, but also cause crops due to the shade between the vines and the leaves. Pruning generally uses the following method: First, three vine pruning. The two sturdy vines that were left by the mothers and mothers and their mothers, or picked up four or five leaves at the seedlings, left three sturdy vines, and the remaining vines and vines were removed early. This method is relatively uniform in size. The second is two vine pruning. Adopting two strong vine vines left by a mother and a vine or mother vine, the quintessential quality of this vine is better, and it is more suitable for a method with a dense plant spacing of 55 cm. This method is easier to obtain high yield. Into the expansion phase of the melon expansion should stop the pruning, let it grow and maintain a larger leaf area. (2) Ding Man. Ding man is generally carried out after the pruning, vines grow more than 25cm when the beginning of vines. The first purpose is to fix the plants and reduce the friction between the leaves to produce sprains, bruises or break the melon vines and young larvae. Secondly, distribute the plant vines evenly in the field and make full use of space and sunlight. Set the vine method is to evenly lay melon vines, with 10cm long bamboo sticks pressed melons into the soil or pressed with soil blocks, pressure vines should pay attention to before and after the female flower can not be pressed too close to too deep, pressure vines best in the afternoon, At this point the melons are not easy to break, and they should not be pressed in the morning. 3. Artificially assisted pollination. When Dongsheng pumpkin is in the high temperature or rainy season during the flowering period, it is easy to pollinate badly and is not easy to set fruit. Artificially assisted pollination should be carried out to improve the fruit setting rate. Artificially-assisted pollination should be performed after the male flower is opened. The male flower is stripped of the corolla, and the stamens are used to wipe the stigma, or a certain amount of pollen is first collected, and the female stigmas are applied after mixing. These two methods combined with pollination results are better. Artificially assisted pollination should be carried out in the morning, followed by pollination of female flowers before and after removal, so as not to affect the normal development of pollinating female flowers, while paper bags or plastic film cover to avoid the rain. 4, stay melon. Dongsheng Pumpkin generally starts from the 6th to 7th quarter and starts to retain melons. Lateral buds below the 5th position are all removed early to reduce nutrient consumption. After 5 to 10 days of the results, when the young fruit eggs are large, the fruit type with large fruit size and correct spots is selected to leave the fruit. Generally, one fruit per vine is reserved. After staying in melon, it should be topped in time to control vegetative growth. After staying in the melon should pay attention to water management, avoid water shortages, water shortages will appear malformed melon, and waterlogging easy to melon. In order to make the fruit shape beautiful, the skin coloring uniform, reduce pests and diseases, the best mat pad, you can use foam tablets, the effect is better. Fifth, fertilizer and water management 1, scientific fertilization Dongsheng pumpkin suction fertility, fertilizer, to apply enough base fertilizer, re-expanding large fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer. (1) Top dressing: mainly available phosphorus and potash fertilizers, generally top dressing three times. The first fertilizer: 5-7 days after planting, Mushi compound fertilizer 10-15 kilograms, "Shiquan Dabu" 2.5 kg; the second fertilizer: vine length 35cm, Mushi compound fertilizer 10-15 kg, " Shiquan Dabu "2.5 kg; the third top-dressing: melon expansion, Mushi compound fertilizer 20 kg, "Shiquan Dabu" 2.5 kg. (2) Foliar fertilizer: Foliar fertilizer can make up for the lack of root absorption nutrients, increase and prolong the physiological activity of leaves, promote early maturity, improve fruit quality and commercial value. In the flowering stage, chlorophyllin can be used to promote flower bud differentiation and early flowering. In the middle and later stages of fertility, the leaves are sprayed with 0.5% urea solution and 0.3-0.4% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or 500 times solution of "Shiquandabu" solution. Flower protection, promote melon expansion. Sweet fruit essence was applied 20 days before the end of childbirth, especially before fruit harvest, to improve fruit quality. 2, water management Dongsheng pumpkin stems and leaves large area, strong transpiration, water demand. Drought should be timely irrigation, high temperature and drought, the weather is prone to viral diseases, after the disease is not easy to set fruit, set fruit after fruit expansion and maturation. If there is water shortage, the leaves of the vines become fine and the leaf color becomes gray-green. The leaves at the noon are wilting and drooping. The melon swells in the water shortage. The yield is low and the quality is poor. If there is too much water, the soil moisture is high, which affects reproductive growth. Melon phenomenon, reproductive growth into vegetative growth, nutrient supply stems and leaves growth, thus increasing the lengthy, more difficult to set up. The irrigation should be based on the growth period and weather conditions of Dongsheng Pumpkin. Irrigation is mainly sewer irrigation to keep the soil moist. Irrigation should be performed in the morning and early evening. When the weather is cool, it can also be carried out at noon. The irrigation volume is generally 2/3 of the ditch depth. , so as to prevent water from causing rotten roots and leggy. VI. Pest control According to the survey, the insect pests of Dongsheng pumpkin mainly include: aphids, leafminers, thrips, whitefly, and earthworms. Diseases mainly include viral diseases and powdery mildew, of which the most serious are virus diseases, and they can cause serious losses when they are serious. Prevention and control of pests and diseases should conscientiously implement the principle of “prevention from the main, comprehensive prevention and control” and do not use high-toxicity, high-residue pesticides. Virus disease: virus A500-700 times liquid spray; powdery mildew: use Anfu 1000 times or colloidal sulfur 500 times spray; aphids, whitefly: Aimi Le 1000 times spray; Liriomyza sativae: Aifodi 1000 - 3000 times liquid spray. Seven, timely harvest when the melon full expansion, melon skin was orange-red, melon stem cracking lignification can be harvested. The quality of tender melons is poor, and the moisture content is not good enough for storage and transportation. Mature melons are of better quality, have less water content, and are resistant to storage and transportation. When picking the melon, it is best to leave 3-4cm fruit stems, so that the melon is not easy to rot, which is conducive to storage. The picked melon should not be placed in direct sunlight, should be stacked in the cool shade, dried after the stem cut and then packaged listing.