Seed varieties use CC980. Medium: PDA for parent species and wheat grain for primary species. According to conventional preparation in the bottle when the original species, if no pressure cooker, can be built at normal pressure high temperature sterilization stove, so that sterilization can be 2-3 hours. The ratio of cultivated materials is 100 kg of cotton bolls, 2 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 0.5 kg of urea and 2 kg of quick lime. The cotton boll shell is required to be fresh and free from mildew, and is used after being crushed by a straw crusher (1010 mm sieve). To build the heap fermentation and mix the raw materials according to the ratio, dissolve the phosphate fertilizer, quicklime and urea into the water and pour on the material. Stir the raw materials thoroughly, the moisture content is 65%, the heap is fermented for 72 hours, and the intermediate stack temperature is raised to 60°C. Overturned when the above, a total of 2 times, so that the cotton shell fully softened. Bagging and sterilization inoculation use 18,350.04 centimeters of bagging, 0.5 kilograms of dry material per bag. Friends without a bagging machine recommend making a quick bagging machine, which will greatly increase work efficiency. After the bag is sterilized in a timely manner, for the use of atmospheric pressure sterilization, it is best to use honeycomb briquettes as raw materials, so as to avoid the waiting bitterness, just add water on time. After the sterilization is completed, it is promptly moved into the sterile room. When the temperature of the material drops below 30°C, two conventional inoculations are performed. Inoculation is performed aseptically. Fungus management with the routine. After the mushrooming management, the temperature inside the mushroom shed is controlled between 12°C and 25°C and the humidity is above 75%, so that the cover soil protects the wet state, and the air is often ventilated to give scattered light. After 15 days, the hyphae can penetrate the soil covering layer. The original base appears. Afterwards, the humidity is kept above 85%. When the fruiting body grows to be cylindrical or bell-shaped, it can harvest 2-3 tides and the bioconversion rate is 100%-120%. Using the same formula to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus, the effect was also good, and the bioconversion rate reached 200%.