First, the occurrence of characteristic bacteria commonly known as "Bacteria", belonging to the arthropod door, Arachnida, Eyes, is the most dangerous bacteria in the cultivation of edible fungi, but also harm to personnel. The hazards are divided into three aspects: First, the strains directly feed on the hyphae, resulting in the phenomenon of “fungus removal” after inoculation without bacteria or bacteria, resulting in blackish rot of the culture material. The second is the contaminating fruiting body. When the larvae occur at the stage of growth of the fruiting body during the earing stage, a large number of bacilli climb onto the fruiting body and feed on the spores in the pleats of the bacteria, hiding in the pleats, and not only affecting the fresh ears. Quality, but also harmful to human health. If you eat a certain amount of bacteria, you can cause diarrhea and other intestinal diseases. The third is to directly endanger the staff. After the bacillary dysentery reaches the human body and comes into contact with the skin, it will cause symptoms such as itching of the skin. Second, the types of crickets harmful species of mushrooms are more crickets, mainly pampas grasshoppers and whiteflies. The morphological characteristics and the law of occurrence are as follows: 1 Puqi: The female body is oval in shape, with slightly long ends, yellowish-white or light brown, flattened, about 0.2 mm long, and the head is round, with acicular claws that can move. . The male carcass was short, approximately rhombic, and the fourth pair of feet flexed inwards with a thick claw at the end of the joint. Puqi action is slower and he likes to live in groups. Pu buckwheat main mushroom mushroom mycelium, seed production, bacteria, mushrooming period can be harmed. After a large number of occurrences, it is like a layer of earthy yellow powder sprinkled on it. Within a few days, it will destroy all mycelium in the material Bottle, bag or material bed. 2 Whitefly: Its shape is larger than pampas, round, white, single action, swallow mycelium. When large quantities occur, the mycelium of the culture material can be degraded, but it does not cause devastating damage. Third, the prevention and control methods 1. Drug ingredients, ingredients, every 100 kg of dry culture materials to add 80-150 grams of clotrimone to be mixed, can play a role in prevention and control of bacteria and phlegm to reject the outside of the good. 2. Close the good strains, strictly control the quality of strains before inoculation, and inoculate strains that do not cause harmful insects so that the strains are pure and pure. 3. Pay attention to environmental sanitation, mushroom room and fruiting room should be away from poultry houses and food and feed warehouses. 4. Remove the sources of pollution. For culture materials that are polluted or seriously damaged, they must be handled and removed in a timely manner. At the same time, the polluted environment should be cleaned and disinfected. 5. Tobacco trapping and killing method, the fresh tobacco leaves are laid on the surface of the culture material damaged by the fungus, and when the bacteria accumulation on the tobacco leaves is more, the tobacco leaves are gently removed and burned with fire. 6. Porcine bone trapping method, the fresh pig bones were discharged 10-20 centimeters apart on the bed surface damaged by the fungus, and when trapped in part of the bacteria, the pig bones were gently removed and burnt with boiling water. So repeatedly until killing. 7. Sweet and sour gauze trapping method, take boiling water 1000 ml, vinegar 1000 ml, 100 grams of sucrose, mix, stir and dissolve, drop 2 drops of dichlorvos mix that is sweet and sour. The gauze is soaked in the prepared sweet and sour liquid, soaked in soaked sweet and sour gauze is put on the culture material damaged by the fungus or on the mushroom bed, and the gauze is collected on the gauze and the gauze is removed. The bacteria were burnt to death with boiling water. 8. Oil incense cake powder trapping method, take the appropriate amount of rapeseed cake into a cake powder, into the hot pot, stir fry until the cake powder emits a strong oily scent. On the surface of the culture material damaged by the fungus or on the surface of the bed, a wet cloth is put on the bed, a gauze is placed on the wet cloth, and the oily cake powder is sprinkled on the gauze. After the gill is gathered, the gauze is removed and burned with boiling water. Several times of continuous killing can achieve the goal of radical cure. 9. The spray killing method is sprayed and killed by spraying 0.6% of Hexcel or 3000 times liquid of Chrysanthemum. Spraying 2-3 times continuously with detergent 400 times also has a good killing effect.

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