Bacteria 50WP (50% Manganese, Zinc, Aluminum, and Alkali WP) Product Features: This product is a special bactericide developed according to the pathogenesis and disease characteristics of various crops early and late blight. Long, complete sterilization, is an ideal fungicide for the prevention of early and late blight, but also has good control effect on crop downy mildew, anthrax. Control objects: various crops early and late blight. How to use: When preventing crop diseases, spray 1000-1,200 times of stems and leaves and spray once every 10-15 days. When treating diseases of crops, it can be used 600-800 times, once per 100% for 10 days, and spray twice. This product can be mixed with a variety of pesticides are used, can not be mixed with alkaline substances. Shuangyeqing 50WP (50% Manganese, Zinc, Aluminum, and Aluminum Wettable Powder) Product features: The cream leaves contain highly active ingredients and has a strong eradication function against diseases such as downy mildew, epidemic disease, and leaf mold caused by fungi. After spraying, the pathogens can be removed and the growth point of the bacteria can be eliminated, and the monolayer can be quickly expanded to protect the plant from re-infection of the bacteria. This is safe for crops, which is conducive to the division and proliferation of chlorophyll, and balances the production period. All kinds of nutrient requirements, and can quickly promote photosynthesis, increase the accumulation of carbohydrates, enhance crop disease resistance. Control objects: cucumber, watermelon, melon downy mildew, disease, anthrax, powdery mildew; tomato early blight, late blight, leaf mold, fruit cracking; eggplant, pepper, onion downy mildew, blight, brown streaks, Spotted leafy vegetables, grapes, strawberries, courgettes, downy mildew, leaf mold, leaf spot, powdery mildew. Use method; diluted 800-1000 times, foliar spray. Safety interval 7-10 days. Fuyouke 50WP (50% fumei double wettable powder) Product features: This product is a broad-spectrum, high-efficiency and strong fungicide, with surface antibacterial protection and absorption bactericidal effect, can rapidly control the spread of pathogenic bacteria after drug delivery. It is resistant to rain erosion and forms a strong protective film on the surface of stems and leaves as well as fruits to prevent secondary infection by pathogens. Control objects: apple, peach, pear, jujube, citrus ringworm disease, anthrax, brown spot, split fruit, early defoliation, dry rot, spotted deciduous disease, bagging apple black spot disease, red dot disease , perforation (flow gum disease), sheath blight, mold heart disease, heart rot, powdery mildew, scab, top rot. Grape, strawberry black pox, white rot, cob brown blight, scratchy, downy mildew, anthrax, sheath blight. Usage: Dilution 1500-2000 times, foliar spray. The safety interval is 10 days. Green Shu 50WP (50% manganese zinc aluminum wettable powder) Product Features: Green Shu both control and treatment, internal suction conduction and contact killing efficient germicide. Targets: Cucumber downy mildew, epidemic disease, tomato early and late blight, cabbage downy mildew, soft rot disease, brown spot disease, black rot, fruit and vegetable caused by the fungi of the families Aspergillus, White rust, and Pythium Downy mildew and keratoses. Usage: This product is diluted 800-1200 times, foliar spray.

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