Feeding pigs with raw materials not only saves manpower and financial resources, but also increases pig feed intake and promotes weight gain. At the same time, feed input can also be reduced. However, we must pay attention to the method of raw feeding: The choice of raw feed can be selected from the materials of the elm family, such as corn, wheat, rice and other processing by-products such as rice bran and wheat bran. After the above-mentioned feed was cooked, the loss of nutrients was over 13%, and the feeding effect was equivalent to only 87% of the raw feed. In addition, green feed should also be fed. Cooked feeds can easily destroy most proteins and vitamins. However, the feed of legumes, such as soybeans, bean cakes, and bean dregs, contains an anti-trypsin that can block the breakdown of legume protein by trypsin in pigs. Therefore, these feeds cannot be fed, but should be fed after high temperature treatment. There are two ways to pay attention to raw feed: wet feed and dry feed. When wet feeding, the ratio of material to water should not exceed 1:2.5, otherwise it will reduce the secretion of digestive juice of pigs, reduce the activity of digestive enzymes, and affect the digestion and absorption of feed by pigs. The most appropriate ratio should be 1:1. Stir the feed so that water droplets can be squeezed out. Dry feed is fed in powdered form and then watered after feeding. The benefits of dry feeding: First, the feed is not easy to degenerate, can be fed for a few days at a time, saving labor; the second is to facilitate the production of compound feed for pigs. Raw materials should be disinfected with raw feed for pigs, and should be washed and disinfected to avoid infection with parasites. The disinfection method can be soaked in lime water or potassium permanganate solution. The best way is to grow the fields of the crops, do not use pig manure or unfermented manure in order to prevent the eggs from being contaminated. Rapeseed cakes, cottonseed cakes, and buckwheat, which contain certain toxins, are usually crushed, soaked in water, fermented or ensiled, and then removed after the toxins have been removed. When the raw material is crushed to be suitable for raw material comminution, the particle diameter is preferably 1.2 to 1.8 mm. This kind of grain pig tastes refreshing, has a large feed intake and is long and fast. The amount of raw material for feeding pigs should be suitable for raw feed to feed pigs, and the amount of feed should be different due to different growth stages and production performance of pigs. Piglets and finishing pigs are allowed to eat freely. Breeding pigs is not the case, to quantitative supply. Otherwise, due to overfeeding, fat deposition can affect pig reproduction. Usually not equipped with 3.53.5 kg. For pregnant sows, the daily dosage of raw sows is 2 to 2.5 kg, and the lactation period is 5 to 6 kg. To supply enough water to feed the pigs, supply enough water. Drinking water in winter is 2 to 3 times that of dry feed, 4 times in spring and autumn, and 5 times in summer. In particular, lactating sows and piglets must not be deficient in water, otherwise they will affect the sow’s milk secretion. The water quality should be clean and the water temperature should be kept cool in winter and cool in summer. When the raw material is changed, the transition from clinker to raw material should be gradual. There must be a transitional period. One-third of the material was fed to the raw material first, then increased to 2/3 after 3 to 5 days, and raw material was changed again in 3 to 5 days. Otherwise, the pig's intake and weight gain will be affected.

Wolfberry Processing

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