1. Choose a good seed

Planting winter soybeans should choose to grow upright, have resistance to lodging and lodging, resistance to shading, resistance to warts, good fertility, and short growing seasons such as Zhongpin 661.

2. Timely sowing

Sowing is closely related to production sooner or later. The growth period of winter soybeans is about 110 days. The province should sow in the middle and late November to early December. Sowing is too early. The flowering period is susceptible to low temperature damage. When sowing is too late, the rainfall during harvest is difficult to harvest, and after impact. For rice, corn, flue-cured and other crops have to be planted. Seeds are sown before sowing, and good seed quality is ensured to ensure seedlings, Miao Qi and Miao Zhuang.

3. Rational fertilization, timely fertilizer

Basal fertilizer is to ensure the nutrient needs of soybean seedlings before flowering and flowering, but also to enable seed emergence early and strong seedlings. The type of basal fertilizer should be dominated by organic fertilizers, with reasonable application of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It can apply 10 to 15 kg of compound fertilizer per acre. Fertilizer can apply urea at the initial flowering stage of 3 to 5 kg/mu. Mu can be mixed with 2% superphosphate and 0.05% ammonium molybdate solution and then sprayed on the foliage, or with 0.1% borax liquid for foliar spray to increase grain filling.

4. Strengthen field management

Strengthening field management is an important measure to ensure high yields.

(1) When the seedlings emerged, the seedlings were promptly investigated and the seedlings were found to be submerged in time and soaked with water or transplanted seedlings to ensure the seedlings. Seedling stage should be based on the whole seedlings to promote early-onset, seedlings and promote branching. For fields with deep soil and good fertility, the plant growth points can be removed in sunny mornings when 4 to 6 true leaves of soybean seedlings are grown, or winter soybeans can be controlled by using paclobutrazol and chlorhexidine for 5 to 8 true leaves. The leggy, increase the effective number of pods and the fullness of the grain. In the tillage and cultivating stage, combining mulching with topdressing for cultivating and weeding, cultivating and weeding can play the role of loose soil, soil conservation, soil cultivation, and increase of soil permeability, which is conducive to soil microbial activity and rhizobia growth, and promote the development of soybean roots. Plants grow well. Seedling soybean pests are mainly underground pests and aphids. In the case of soil pests that have not been seeded with pesticides, 50% phoxim EC can be applied to the roots of the seedlings in 500 ml per acre and 50 kg in water. Aphid was sprayed with 40% dimethoate EC 1000x.

(2) The flowering stage includes flowering and scarring. During this period, vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand. The fastest growth of plants, the growth of stems and leaves and the formation of calyx require large amounts of nutrients and moisture. Insufficient supply of nutrients and water will cause large quantities of flowers to fall out of production and reduce production. During this period, it is necessary to strengthen fertilizer and water management, promote more flowering, more pods, and more grains.

Excessive water, plant length, plant canopy and soil ventilation and poor light, resulting in falling flowers, even lodging. A prolonged lack of water will inhibit flower bud differentiation and flowering. Too much or too little water supply can cause poor plant growth. When the water content in the field is large, and the plants have a tendency to grow in droves, in order to prevent the plants from becoming longer and increase the rate of becoming pods, paclobutrazol or potassium triiodobenzoate can be sprayed for chemical control.

Generally, the fertilizing field blocks 5 to 7.5 kg of urea per acre at the beginning of the flowering period, which has an obvious effect on improving the yield of the crop. In the case of high soil fertility and luxuriant plants, no fertilizer may be used, and top dressing may be performed in combination with cultivating soil.

(3) Drilling period The period from the start of bean swells to the maximum volume and weight, the appearance of the plant has been established, and reproductive growth is the main factor. Organic nutrient substances in the plant body are transferred to the grains in large quantities. The main goal of this phase is to protect, increase grain, and promote fullness. At the beginning of the drum grain, if the phenomenon of premature aging caused by malnutrition is found, the foliar spray fertilizer should be promptly applied. 0.3% urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, ammonium molybdate aqueous solution can be sprayed on the foliage, and adding 0.3% detergent as a spreading agent is more effective. In the early stage of drum grain encountering drought, irrigation of “granule water” can increase soybean yield and quality. In the later stage of the grain, soil moisture must be reduced to promote early maturation. The main diseases and pests during the grain-granulosa period are purple spot disease, gray spot disease, and borer disease. Prevention of purple spot and gray spot disease can be used 50% carbendazim WP 500 times, began to spray control at the beginning of the disease, medication once every 7 days, continuous medication twice. Soybean larvae during hatching of soybeans were sprayed with 2% acacia pine powder, 2 kg of powdered fertilizer per acre, or 50% of agarose-killed pine oil, and the spraying focused on middle and upper pods.

Vertical Tmr Feeding Mixer

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2. There are vertical fixed type, vertical traction type, horizontal fixed type, horizontal traction type, vertical self-propelled type and so on.

The capacity from 5 cubic meters to24 cubic volume.

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Vertical TMR Feeding Mixer

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