With the continuous innovation of hybrid watermelon varieties, watermelon hybrid seed production has developed into an important industry in many rural areas. However, due to various reasons, the increase in seed yield and quality has been plaguing the rapid development of this industry. After many years of seed production practices, we have summarized a set of technical operations that are described below:

First, prepare before broadcast

(1) Bases and Plots Seed Production Bases Choose a suitable climate and have a certain production base, which can guarantee the lands, water sources, production materials, and labor force needed for watermelon hybrid seed production; choose to isolate more than 1,000 meters from other watermelon fields. ,Plough depth, good permeability, convenient drainage and irrigation, 7-8 years have not been planted cucurbit crops, perennial land without destruction as a system of farming.

Farming requires 30 cm deep plowing before winter, not till after tilling, spring thawing in early spring, and then replanting, combined with plowing, applying 3000-4000 kg of organic fertilizer per mu, 50 kg of superphosphate, 15 kg of potassium sulfate, Mix it in, and then work on it.

(2) Seed treatment shall be conducted according to the characteristics of grain size, color, shape, size, pattern, etc. of the parent seeds so as to ensure the uniformity and consistency of the original species. Put the prepared seeds into warm water of 55-60°C, stir properly, remove them after 15 minutes, and then use Amoy to clean the stems. The above seeds are mixed into wet sand or sandy soil with 5 times the amount of seeds, loaded into corrugated or other vessels, placed under 30-35°C, germinated, and after about 40 hours, most of the bud tips can be sowed.

Second, sowing

(1) The method of cultivation is to collect the seeds as soon as possible so as to facilitate the identification in the fall and at the same time reduce the production cost. Generally, it is advisable to select the live film. Using artificial pollination for hybrid seed production, according to different combinations, the proportion of parents is generally 1:10 to 15.

Reasonable dense planting is an effective means to increase the yield, and the plant and row spacing vary according to soil conditions and varieties. General plant spacing 25 to 30 cm, early maturing varieties 1800 to 2000/mu, row spacing 120 to 130 cm; mid-late maturing varieties 1500 to 1600 plants/mu, row spacing 140 to 150 cm.

(b) Time and Method The female parent is planted 7 to 8 days before the final frost. The father should be 7 to 10 days earlier than the female parent to facilitate the provision of sufficient pollen. In order to avoid frost, the father took a small arch to cover the melon after the final frost. The shoot tip is down when sowing, and the thickness of the earth cover is generally 1.5-3.0 cm, and the film is covered after sowing. Pay attention to the preparation of the ground to be level, the back is slightly higher, and the two sides are slightly lower; the buckle film should be close to the ground and tightly pressed around to prevent the wind from blowing. Can also be made in advance buckle film, broken film sowing, but to increase the thickness of the cover.

Third, fertilizer and water management

(a) The germination period from sowing to revealing the first true leaves takes about 7 to 13 days. Seedlings should be promptly broken after emergence to avoid high temperature suffocating seedlings. The seedling hole must be tightly pressed to prevent the hot and humid air from escaping from the membrane and cause rotting infarcts. If membrane-breaking planting is adopted, it is important to note that the overburdening of the casing will affect the emergence of seedlings.

(B), the seedling period from the first true leaf revealed to the Mission tree (5 to 6 true leaves), takes about 25 to 30 days. Appropriately control the soil moisture, prevent the seedlings from growing in length, and focus on the cultivator.

(c) Extend the vines from the sacred tree to the second female flower. It takes about 18 to 20 days. The amount of water required for the extension of vines should be emphasized. Before the spread of vines, put into the decomposed cake fat 100 ~ 150 kg / acre, or mature manure dry 750 ~ 1000 kg / acre, and mixed with urea 5 kg / acre. At the same time increase the water supply and promote hair tree. In the later period of vine extension, water control, wire rods and vines are used to control the growth of stems and leaves, reduce nutrient consumption, prevent leggy and promote female flower development.

(d) The fruiting period from the flowering of the second female flower to fruit ripening takes about 28-45 days. Before the fruit is retreated, irrigation should be strictly controlled, and pruning, pressure ranching, emasculation, and pollination should be performed in time to increase the fruit setting rate. From the fruit's hair removal to a certain period, combined with watering, per mu application of compound fertilizer or watermelon special fertilizer 20 to 25 kg, promote fruit enlargement, prevent premature aging stems and leaves. The fruit was sprayed with foliar spray before and after the fruit was set with a mixture of 0.2% urea and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate. When the fruit is set to be physiologically mature, watering should be reduced, water supply should be kept balanced, and cracking should be prevented.

Four, plant finishing

In the general female parent, the single vine pruning is performed, the main vine is left in the melon, and the second and third female flowers are selected as the result, and the first female flower is removed as soon as possible. The father left 4 to 5 vines. In order to fix the guava and avoid the wind from swinging and damaging the vine leaves and young fruit, the vine should be crushed. The vines should be pressed in the afternoon to prevent the stems and vines from breaking. Before and after the melons, two and three knives were used to keep the top of the vines winged.

Fifth, to male pollination

(A), time and staff generally start 50 to 55 days after maternal emergence, which lasted about 5 to 7 days, suitable temperature 23 ~ 27 °C. Approximately 2 light labors per acre are required.

(II) Preparation work

1, tools and materials plastic caps, tea or cardboard boxes, wet towels, color cloth or wool rope. No plastic cap can be replaced by a homemade paper cap. The method is to use an old newspaper to cut about 710 centimeters of paper, and then wrap two or more turns around the top of a round head with a diameter of 1.5 to 2 centimeters and a length of about 15 centimeters. There are about 2 centimeters remaining outside the stick. After wrapping, twist the top end for 1 to 2 weeks. Then pull out the stick.

2, before going to pollination, carefully check the parent and the female parent, completely remove the miscellaneous strains. In particular, carefully observe the paternal plants, and carefully identify whether they meet the standards in terms of leaf color, shape, melon vines, villus, and in particular the shape of the melons. Sometimes it is difficult to identify them without mistakes. Otherwise, one strain is mixed. It can cause irreparable damage. The mother Honda can go to the miscellaneous at any time during the growth period and remove it before harvesting.

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