At present, the wild mud loach species in China are very degraded, and the loach individuals grow slowly. It is difficult to achieve an adult body weight of more than 50 grams. According to the general survey of the aquatic products sector in Sichuan Province, the largest individuals in Sichuan and other places are only 38 grams.

Using this kind of small individual's loach species to carry out artificial breeding, generally breeding muddy seedlings to the end of the year fashion is difficult to reach the listed commodity specifications (general weight can only reach 5-10 grams), even if the sale of the market can only sell very low The price of the fish raised for the second year of sale has increased the payback period, which has greatly affected the enthusiasm of farmers for carrying out self-cultivation. The acquisition of wild muddy seedlings for fattening has limited room for weight gain and it is difficult to achieve considerable economic benefits.

With the help of the relevant aquatic breeding units, the mass aquaculture company selected large-scale vice loach varieties from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River for repeated purification and rejuvenation. At present, the first batch of purified large scales has the largest heaviest number of individuals. The use of such a muddy variety will enable the breeding seedlings of the current year to fully reach the listed standard weight (with a weight of 30 grams or more) and meet the export requirements. Large size standard.

The company is in the process of breeding in the later period. It is estimated that after the fall of this year, it will be able to provide quality seedlings.

The figure below shows a large scale loach with a body length of 27 cm and a weight of 153 g.

Split chicken is sold in block form, which makes it easier for the public to buy, and also increases sales. Consumers can choose their own tastes according to their preferences.

Chicken protein content is high, and the digestibility is high, it is easy to be absorbed by the human body to take advantage of, have enhanced physical strength, strong body function. Chicken contain to human body development have important phospholipid class, is Chinese dietary structure is one of the most important sources of fats and phospholipids in chicken to malnutrition, chills, afraid of cold, fatigue, menoxenia, anemia, fatigue weakness, have a good diet. According to the Chinese medicine, chicken has the effect of nourishing qi, nourishing the spleen, nourishing the stomach and living blood.

Chicken meat is tender, tasty, and because of its lighter flavor, it can be used in various cuisines. Chicken is not only good for hot stir-fry, stewed soup, but also for cold and cold meat. Chicken has a lot of protein, and in meat, one of the highest protein meat, is a high-protein, low-fat diet.

Chicken sexual flat, warm, taste gan, in the spleen, stomach classics; It can be used to improve the quality of the marrow. It is used for the treatment of weak and weak, low deficiency, dizziness and palpitation, irregular menstruation, lack of milk, thirst, edema, urinary frequency, deafness and tinnitus. Often eating chicken stir-fried flowers can enhance the liver's detoxification function, improve immunity, and prevent colds and scurvy.

Split Chicken Series

Split Chicken Series,Chicken Drumsticks,Chicken Gizzard,Chicken Wings